The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2025)

Vasts. VVBIAO eAIEJS, FOR 8ALK THE SUN. 1 1 nmounte-! to 66 making the total amount for the fiscal year up to date 2S2.0S9.W7 3J. It ic not Federally the Financial Chromc.c, that the notes of New England Slate banks are now at a discount of 5 per cent. The depreciation is that at Boston the SuttolR Baukand the Hank of Mutual Rede mption liave oiscoutmnert redeeming sucti notes since ttie lst of June.

As ttse amount outstanding small, end as there is now no method ot setting payment without sending the notes to the several banks by mail or by express, the nncurrent money brokers mt i tee extra charges to cover the delay, expense aud trouble involved. The notes of the banks of ennsylvania and those of the Western States lire selling at various rates of discount, while those ot the Kate of New York will probably cease next month to be redeemed by the Metropolitan Bank of tlits city, and will then speedily disappear troni circulation. The total imports at New York for last west compare as follows: Weekend June 7. May SI. Mvr 25.

May 17. Dry fl.01C.414 S1.2:S,576 925.72! $91.1,620 S.21,1,27l 4,716,148 S.c65,761 Total 4.2.T.683 $5,950,713 $3,933,315 Reported for the Baltimore Sun. BALTIMORE: MARKET.) Mr. McGnire made a motion, which was carried, that the ordinance be made the special order lor Monday, tbe 24th instant. Mr.

McPhail called up 1 he resolution directing the city comptroller to provide suitable apartments for the accommodation of the mayor and other officers of the city government while the new City Hall is being erected; adorned. Received from the first branch an ordinance making tne appropriations for tbe year 1867; passed. The first branch concurred in the preposition to adjourn Monday, tne 24th instant, to which time the branch adjourned. Reported tor tne Baltimore 6nn. ro 'e tliujjs of the oarts Crimmo.1 Court.

Judge Bond. G. C. Mauud. State's attorney.

John Lynch, assaulting Joshua Fieehart, ordered to pav costs. William King and Mrs. C. King and Edward Israel, assaulting John Cautwell: Mrs. King not gnilty, the other two ordered to pay costs.

Patrick Manning, assaulting Alex. Hughes and Henry Gorman, fined 1 and costs: recognizance for-leitcd. Alex. Hughes, assaulting P. Manning, gnilty; pro-ecu ting witness to pay costs.

Jas. Brunt, assaulting Anne Sweeny, not guiity. Mary Lepper. assaulting Citharin'e Robinson, stcued. Joseph Uhlbrook, assaulting Henry Sands, abandoned lor want of prosecution.

Wm. Gunt'ier, assaulting James sett, ordered to pav costs. Margaret Reiley, assaulting Mary Rafterty and Margaret Ann Raflerty. ordered to pav costs. Mary Ledley.assaulting Chas. promised. Cornelius Murphy, in-uniting Ann Dolland on tbestreet; not guilty. Thomas Chaplain, colored, a ssaulung Charles Ryan: not guiltv. Nicholas Lndwick. ahasLewis.

assaulting James Good: recognizance forfeited. George Hetz, assaulting Michael Kelly, and cross-action: compromised. Eb.iau Thayer, disorderly conduct; discharged. Isaac Thomas, colored, assaulting Joseph Ylutz, colored; not guilty. George Benly, colored, assaulting Wm.

Bailey, colored, not guilty Mathew Garman, ill-treating his lamiiy; not guilty. Ephraim Coats, colored, assaulting Sarah Hall, colored; not guilty. Ada Huester, breaking windows and doors of the house of Ann berry; not guilty. Alice Selick, assaulting Sarah Gaylor; fined $land costs, and sent to jail for one week. Mary Smith, assaulting Hester Culllns: fined $1 and costs, and sent to fail lor one manthl Augustus Ford, assaulting William H.

Johnson: stetted. Charles Jones, colored, assaulting Caroline Norton; discharged by court. Court adjourned until to-day. Ciicvit Court Judge Alexander. Simon R.

Golibart vs. Caroline E. Readisal bill ftled to subject lot of ground, on the west side of Gay street to the payment of a lien claim, assigned to complainant by respondent, lor Henry Memkranz vs. Henry Seeger and others: bill filed to require respondents to correct an error iu certain deeds. Maria Krone vs.

Johu B. Krone bill for divorce a vinculo matrimonii. There ia a disparity of thirty or more years between tbe ages of the parties the complainant being much the elder of the respondent. The complainant is supposed to be a ladyof wealth. Argued and: submitted by Milton Whitney, for complainant, and William Meade Addison and William Sheppard Bryan for respondent.

Charles Seebold vs. Charles Lochner: petition for the foreclosure of a mortgage: the former decree annulled on application" of a new party, not a party to the proceedings, for leave to file'a supplemental bill of complaint: argued and submitted. H. Stockbridge for complainant, Geo. H.

Williams for respondent. Samuel Cotting-ham and live ckers. infants. by their next friend and Samuel Cottlngbam, and others, vs. Samuel Cottingham and nine others: bill filed for thesale of certain property on the north side of Henrietta street, and for distribution of proceeds: Bannon.

for complainants. distance of three miles from the city, on the Missouri river, t.i'rtv years asjo was regarded at the outpost of fUilization; now the iron horse, drawing alter progress and lmprovetnent, has extended far beyond' this post the limits whidh bind civilization on tbe eastern side ol the continent. In onitihuees and carriages our party paid a visit to the fort, and were kindly r.nd courteouelv received by Gen. Hancock and tne officeis under hie command. Some time was spent, in viewing the eurroiftidinire of the place, and after partaktntr of refreshments aud list emus: to the sfair.s of music from tte fort band, drawn up in front of tne headquarters, the party took their leave by a different route from that followed on going to the fort, returning by Pilot Knob, a remarkably hisrh eminence, and which deserves special notice" from the magnificent view afforded from its summit.

For miles aed miles around tbe eye lakes iu broad expanse of mountain, hill, valley, and wooded ranges of no ordinary beauty. In front lay the city of Leavenworth, far below to the left the fort which we had shortly before visited, with an occasional trlimpse ol the Missouri roll-in? alone its muddy waters, aud all around a beautiful variation of foliaee. The sight was truly magnificent, and will not soon be forgotten by those who had the pleasure of witnessing it. And now, a lew wcras iu regard to Leaven-weith itself, a place of rapid growth, claiming from forty thousand to fifty thousand inhabitants, provided with a steam fire-engine, and progressing ripsdly in other respects. Ou our way to the fort we passed a large Roman Cathedral, roofed in but not completed, and a large public school in the course of erection.

The city i uo doubt ifstined in afew ycarsto improve highly. As I now write, with t.e Missouri rolling along before mc, a curious sight is presented. Two steamers are nnlosding planks, on the shore, teams of four and sir oxen, driven by "greasers," are coming in, all the way from Santa and a general feature of Western life is picminentiy brought forward. In coming up from St. Louis, the various Intel eating features of the country were noted, and thriving cities and tewns viewed, at some of which stops were made.

The region iiuiaeent to St. Louis, far beyond its suburbs, is beautiful to look upon. Several handsome villas were ncinted out. and were particularly admired lor the rural beauty of the surround in cs and the of architectural display. Soon reach-in- the Meremec river, its meanderings and the stellated peaks mounting its blufl's attracted attention, and then sinking a large bend of the river, that stream, with' its numerous islets, was brought mto view, amidst a gorgeous sunset efihlgence which contrasted fineH with the deepsrnen of field and forest which lay around.

The ladies. particularly, among the pirty were delighted with this rare sunset view. Unt il darkness closed the scene, the changing forests, the fields of grain, ana overhanging "bluffs along the route formed a varied source of attraction. Meantime Cheltenham and its sulphur Laciide. ebster, Saint Paul, Oieneoe, Eureka, Franklin and Washington, had beeu pa-sed en route, and then, reachmg Kewpoit.

the' train passed through a great tunnel. It was here that the sunset scene was witnessed, the maiestic Missouri, over 3.CHK He1? in lngthr branching off in an opposite direction t'rom'the railroad. Coming out from the tunnel train passed on to wherethe vine clad hills of are most cultivated. Several boxes of choice Hermann wines were brought, on board and swiftly dsappearcd. Leaving Hermann, the Gasconade river was soon reached, and finally he iong bridge which spans theOsase river.

No further stop-was made uutii the train reached Jeflersou City, at which point a few excursionists toined thd pasjy. It was now considerably Into the night: therefore little was seen of the capital ol Missouri. By the time we reached what understood to be he promising city of Sc-daiia. most of the panv wer testing the comparative merits of the sleep-in i cars. As to how the nigtu as spent therein would scarcely be necessary or proper to sav weird.

Hereatd there a jeweled hand, the propel ty of some sleeping beauty, protruded from be twocu closed cumins, while occasionally some article of female apparel dropped from the hooks: suffice it, hov-ever, to say that this morning almost the entire party ere up look ing well and greatly refreshed from their night's rest. Emerging irota the berths, and returning attain to sight seeing. Independence, a place of in erest.was casually stopped at, and Kaosas City also. At the latter "iace quit a crov. was collected, to whom wa given tte promise that RT A in tin.

J' hns Market. App'y at ItHHCLLINS St J(4-7ff 1(1 CHESTNUT LAtL? FOR sALlt. IVyXjW App'TtO I. AFFEE. Merctant, jel Bt' corner of L.ght and Iratt sts -op IA I inf) PTRA WF.

EERY BOXtJ- AM-I MJ CHESTS for sae at reared at MX-ylani Ss'i Facte ry a.r Luxber Yard, Kc. i' Soui'i EutaT street. JCIIN W. WlLfrON ft TTn fe ALE. Two of "ne most extetrie and Vie'v naying MibK ROUiES in the city, row bames.

TC'-etner with TWO IF.AVs, fr -iete order, and aa the CANS and HX-TrRFK good r-atry. will Te sold at a R-ef SsMslctory reasoE gHen fcr s'Une Addrta A IHg MAN. Snn otl.ce. TO'i sAJ.ii-'" nd fcocdhacd Stst'onary Vndi-ta VI-Steam FNGINE and bi'iLEUs: PortaW- EN GX "KES and BOILEJK. from o-rw j'Oa SALE'.

IHB JVIAKKET PRICTS-2 ib Can Few lies. 2 lb. Cat Fres'i ine Annies. Fears. nuaM.

ian-son-, Sfrawoerrie. Cl-erries, ttucrtieberries, Eapbcrrl" 2 and 3 lb. Corn. Greea Psa? aadVib.C YSTERS, Fresh Cove, Sf at.d 1TCEI.FS.' is nd Barrels; also Catsn-, aoiTmi EDWARD BLOC CO 'Pacer and Jbods West Lombard Jreet. 91 frOK SAl.1 Flit tiiMAribr.

tur. cm '-Af six years old, iu SCHOONER. tu. tCce. JS-itl.

K)H sai iie-M. -oner WV fifry ton.Told ttefeei wt draws flv feet, with tweary-one "--i CScwiv dpek: in goctl order 4m! i Gr.O. E. BO WIXM 95 S-nit'ri-A --chart. Je6--t FOR 5ALE Tl-yfast- a liLg YA( HT SLOOP ors be.rtheD, ia feet tis(l rpcr FGERTON 37 Cheat te.

toge. 9 Wav. OR SA LE-MOC Kf Mi 11 and a variety of otbei SIRDS; VlVVliVi. Ti: THOMAS'S, lTn. it Norti Liber! rcSt-lm.

I-OR SALE Fifty -ECONr-HL r-. 1 r.r., ar a a rr vnrt or! UC a rins? post MII.LES."f.-fc-AJri 1 iORE. 65 street. 2Hm Zm. Cabbage.

Eary York. Tlt.t rtTr.ed. Egg Pinnts.Celet? Early ilden, Smootc-Red and largo Fejetr s.ani. ALSO, 500 T-PiTS OF ROSES in blocrr. of teiv variet.e-J, at RicHARD CKOMivtLii i Implement acd Seed rc.

46 aad 41.4gfct -eet. FOR SALE One light top, price f-Hr one c. pvee r-. "L1 'hrx Shinir -tr 'Ms and one sl-passenger CCACH. In coci ord9r--p'y at tiri AN MADISON STS.

je8-y Fun SALE Three Covered sprt WAGO NS: OD9 two-seat CARRIA. -with siD2le anc ttaiWe Inor at Si WES1- i AYEI1 up stairs. je'- SALE A peperior Baitimoreme FOCR-SEAT CARRIAGE, in good ore r-j th ARN ESS. for Also Half Pitt Stone BOTTLES, at J. S.

LINCOLN CO S. 26 Saratcga J4 3tl MULLMYER HUNTFR, offer forsal -of ana kamsui lrg assortment 01 CARRIAGES cf thir-t acture. ml-iic! F03 SALE A BAROUCHE, pets rt i ton Die HARNESS, and Double Light HARNESS. never used: i verv fast Brown M4KF; one ROC KA WAY, nearly- ne-. ana-one Fet single HARNESS.

Apply to THins I RIGGS. corner of Exchange place aini Commerce' stieet. AhRIAGES CARRIAGES CAh--" RI GES. ft xchanae von Oid Carrla-. e-lor one at tbe C4 hEA WES TEIlN' CARRIAU.

No. 180 North Howards, between Malt rry and Franklin. H. B. fcCHMIDT CO.

fSTSre OMNlBFe FOR SALE twelve complete al-Tr TT cyder, at the Grat WestPrn Ba- zafi. ix-j. iit oriii iiowaru st. li. v.

mhmiui j5-4tJ fTV FOt; SALE At MILLERS Hi-TEL SJCA Paca h'rvtx MSISIJ-K'f t-rl fne CLFsnet Sorrel HfiRSE. years oil lain rria Mi rat-Tta to trt a n.iie in two irrtmte; aod -ecoais. A-o ft No-Tot light nh Ha: Apply to WILLIAM "WILssON. or. the rren toti SALE Hons E.

LCGGT ANI- Hit'-Jj-NESc. The Horse is brown, yearr old. very fast. nc pertectlj tae Ba-jgy no tor na te Bayard, lo perfect Hii! byJenkis. Wil low.

ot siT ha.s no use ior tLeic. Af ply at the Sen re. -V FOr. SAI A fiSldrOm? EtlK'E. i4iiLl 2nl gfii'-lc in hrne.

very s'k. -to' Siafiy for a waoa cr fair. rr.j. js-Vk. no faait.

tr.e bating rc so: Lm. Anpiv at on ST. PAL FTET, oue uoc-r of Lex 2i tTa-s FOR SALE A STEAM PROP! -F k- at oit V. 1H be4r 'c fe-t boil-. i rr atca: ic fonr fet of water; s-rrT' mies an fco-r: in ortier i.

a an be -2 at the foot of EUTAW SPr'I: GUsSfcocse wharf. Air" i miT-eoiij JTv rOR SALE CHEAP A rnsai aal bac i- t-jack vSdd! MARK. La.f biooaei. roi -lariie. an sea at Wt- J.

A. SMI 1 H. rv. rOF. SALE A ie ire Kentcct MAKE, -rarrar te-3 so.L'l an i gen.

CE' fc-r Kentccty BAY -tlr riS CT Arr'rto W. E.NOchl-s.v II 1 -jc-2 r.TT-rs -e B. ailO. B. E.

e7-. FC'rt SALE A -err iie rarr of Ti HORDES, dark Cie-tiit color. si I- Lirh IO al dor' ts s- stow' as.i styri Can rea. barresa. M.

FOR SALE A pair ae I'Tivis: Jt riO-'rt Bay. i n-i s.j ta r- Apply to W. MEAENSON" i SON. In Pur lis as. -jefc-tt FOR SALE A good HORSE, ytr df-niiui? to wori.

COLUMBIA ST. An-i at No 165. 4t FOR SALF A very ry'''-w. CHESTN Ul L5SpERE.L HOEii 6 jtirs rC Fat aoout ij-4 naras nign. warranvea TUrff4 'V sonnd.

kind and eettie: drive very t4thr si5-gie or doable, and goes well cu'ter saddle. In-quite for J. EOOI). at WM. WILSON'S STABLES corner of Paca and German streets.

MILLINERY. Tie MISSES MASON wonl in.ite the Ladies of Baltimore and videf-v their opening of Spring and Summer BOJ NETS. HAT is and Ladies' DRES CAPS, on Apt llth and lltb. M. E.

MASON a-2mi 131 Chescut street, Phtiadelohi. PISC ATOEl AL SPORTS XTKAORDI" VNARi i The disciples ot tar lsftst ant au sieters of pleasure to alure the finny ttibe Mttbe accommodated with all necessary Tackle. New and Light Boats, Shrimi and Peelers, without fear of-disappointmenl, at the GATE HOUSE. Ligfct Street Bridge. JeS-eo2ra HARR1KN BRO, i-g S.


Church and Parlor nse. These instruments -are- pronouccecFtne hvst of their kind. A full assortment oo band acd for sale at COLTON 's PIANO 4-eo3t 66 Lexington up stairs. GEO. A.

PRINCE CO.S A.UTOUATIV Just received, ten users- of those world- renowned ORGANS for Parlor and Church uce. For sale at COiION'K PIANO ROOMS. No. 68 Leung-ton street, up stairs. Je 3-eoit I DESIRE TO BE KNOWN OPTICIAN, and can supply Impaired Eve with SPECTACLES of.

every description, or fix glasses to sait, at No. North Green et Old- Gold and Silver boogbt. TOBIAS. mai-lran JACOB BEHRENS. WATCHMAKER: AND OPJIC'AN.

Noi 3 North Gay stiieet, third door frm Front, has-received from Europe a good assortment of SPECTACLES iuii where he will be able to.suit all persons with the greatest saMslartton. PEBBLES and GLASSES fitted in Frame a the shortest notice, (iold. Silver and Steet tnoiesre-p8iren neat and strons. A fair cash pnee given lor old Gold, Silver Diamonds, NEW srop.Ev NEW STORE. 203 ELATE.

LOT. Where von can find SHOES at tbe lollow- ine low r-rices: Ladies' Congress Gaiters. $125 Ladiet." Lace Gaiters. 1 Ladies' Morocco Boots 1 1 Ladies' Calf Balmorals. 1 i5 t'ents fine Sewed 5 Gents' fine Pegged Boots 30 Gents' tine Congres.Gaiters 2 CO Balmorals 1H MeiTsBrogsns A Ani a sreat vtrty ol other too numerous to mention.

Don't fil io give me a call. 5 NORTH GAY Belalr Lot. OH. SEE! OMC! 35 35 CS3 1 EUTAW ST. EUTAW ST.


W. PRATT ST DALSHEIMER-S BOOT AND SHOK STOKES. yR THE PEOPLL. ladles' U.N Heeled Galieas. Lauies' Ladies" i50andfJ00 Ladies 1 GO and 1 ir5 Ladies' -'5 and T3 Gems' ti 0 an 3 Gents Bov' 1 23 Rots 1 15 Mipper.

1 lp Heeled Slippers. French Leather Bc-o Sewel Boots Sewed Gaiters Balmorals. Ganers. Children's -so and cents Ansie Tie Children's 40 cent Tip BaimoraU. Misses' 73 cents and fl CO Gaiters.

Mlbses' $100 Morocco B--ot. Together -with an endless variety ot CUSTOM-MADE BOOrs AND SHOES, at remarkably low figures. li Ins facilities ncscrpassed, we are prepared please every one. both jt price and style. Country IValers will take notice that S3 EsT PRATT STKEET.tiear Sharp, la tbe place for bar gain.

Sign ol the -RFD FLAG. WHOLESAIE" DEPjrRTMENT. SS WESTt AL-T1MOKK S1R1.F.T tJ-A nfjfl AN1V LOC-K TO YOUR INTEREST 4S SAVK yoik siujm: your SHOES at 1 WEINt'EK-k uih i Ahoe i uiioriui, 4 NOR 111 EC I' AW Sl oppSHe Lej.injr.toa I at mv list ct iric Larties Leather Ladlei' mjable-Sole Morocco I lnV 1 Giter to I Mlsse Lai-titu: Gaiters 1 adles' Heeled Slipper Mie Ht-eled i o. i.ns. ciiM, 3J ana 1 1X1 75 hlldren" Shoes sUeeofeslO 50 Leather Balmorals oen EN -si BOOL AN silOE.

ft Gents' Fine Svwed Geiiia' Sewed worea t'alu-r GeuU' Pecs Geuia" 4 Baluioral icJ made) tienta Oxford ioS Gem' Bitxan sf, KllUorWde t-hooa, of the wx Uw-i IiUe whtch 30 ter cent VhM sny tVheAVulihecll. N.f-Great dcwenU tsALiv On? of tor o- Tubular B-ollers, from 8 to rp ore power. IV ine iViiers, from 15 to 40-borae niwerr readv fo? ia rmen ol constructioc. A'ao" FAt'oc. Iced Saw at MAYGER S3 AF u' Engineer and Holier Makers, 4 Eas: McBameitk treet.

FaltviROre owl maar ANTE I' A (, on utd VI re ged work. Apply tt, 2Cc. 1 2 Hol 1 aa ETICEfcTV m'S-mr HIT ATFK Vinegar, CidtT or Whisky 1 123 Kortb street. mlS-lm't WANTFD-A Gl KM Af- WOMAN, to Cook. Wnsa andiron.

Beierences reouired. Apply at No. SU McCCLLOH ST, je7vHt: rANTEl of experience, a F1TFA- 1 1ON as 1 eacher In a School or amily; Ilo-ferences given and required. H. Post-clfice Box 593 Charleston, South Caroliaa.

fro g( JOURNEYMFN TAI i.OUS. "We want two eOOdCOAT T1ASDS. flood waares ami uteadv work given. Applv to ARNOLD LELD. No.

Hi King street. Alexandria, Virginia. clI NTED All kind f.f old HPS. old LOCKS, GOLD. 6ILVKR.

niirheRt mice. f-i-i at No. 203 EAST BALTIMORE between trpring and Caroline sts. je7-8t: V7 A TED Onefirst-class OPERATOR on Whee-11 ler Wilson's t-ewing Machine: also, four or good who making Leys' lothes. Applv at 53 GAhDETST ST.

je7 of IVAMFO-By a respectable Man and wife A SITUATION in the Country with a Farmer: no objections to go a gooa way otf. Address F. J. JNO. ItIUIjI.1 1A WANTED A good COOK, In a small family, three miles on Charles street; avenue.

Apnly over the PEOPLE'S BANK, northeast corner ot Bal-timore and Pae sts. J7-3t ANT ED An experienced COOK. WAsdtK it and JRONKR. German preferred. Also a colored BOY fs Walter.

Call, trom 9 to 12 o'clock, atSiO MADISON AVENTE. Je7-Gt. ll? A CABINET MAKERS. CARVERS UFHOLbTERERS and WIN DSOR CIIA1RMAK ERb. Constant work, at good wages.

IJ. Maryland. Address R. jel-8t; AM ED-One genteel GERMAN GIRL, 14 to 15 11 years of age, lor light Housework; one WOMAN for general Housework, and three active YOI NG Mt at 1 9 SOU 1 np stair3, room 5 "4 ANTED A good COOK AND "WASHER, CCol-1 1 orcd,) to go' a short diat trace in th ecountry on a railroad. None need apply wlfnout unexceptionable recommendations.

Applv 46 SARATOGA SI between the hours of 8 and 10. jl-M 4. GARDENER. A SI 1 CATION wanted by one that has a thorough knowledge of Gardening in all Us branches. Best of refeiences given.

Address ti. HALLIDAY SON, Pennsylvania avenue and Ool' phin street. j3-7tl AGENTS WANTED. Good, reliable MEN wanted to sell the great new MAP AND' ATLAS OF MARYLAND and County Maps. Theonlyoomplete, correct and reliable maps vet published.

SIMON T. AKIFN'ET. bonth up stairs, 30-20t iy ANTED A competent WHITE WOMAN, to Coob. Wash and Iron in a private family; beat testimonials neenssary. Any one answering above requirements linev obtain a good home.

Inquire at 133 HUFFMAN" STLEE'f, corner of Druid Hill avenue. jeSGt'!" TRAVELLING AGENT. A Young Alan of business habits des-tres a- SITUaTIUJl as Clerk or Traveling Agent; is thoroughly acqnted with the' Notion trade, hut would have no objection to any other business of testimonials from tome ot-the most prominent Houses in the city. Address M. office.

jes-2tt 7" A A SITUATION, Teacher, by a Young Lady ol Virginia: in or near the city preferred. She will each English. French, and the rudiments of Latin. Persons apniving will please state salary, Address-SAMUEL GRKSH AM, Lancaster C. Va.

6-lm 7 ANTED A PARTNER, with $1,000 or more. I It have just complt-ted the fixing up an elegant corner Grocery Store in a No. 1 business location. and am desirous of forming a partnership with a man of some experience who Is willing to invest an equal amount with myself. Please address, for four davs, GROCERY, Sun office.


Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a foil description ot tne work. Address AI IONAL PUBLIS I COM-FAN Y. Philadelphia. Pa. W4tt r0 LOAN-Any AMOUNT, on good City C.

W. BSCSH. jel-12t! 35 Lexington stieet. 'PO LOAN J- S2.500 ON CITY PROPERTY. JOHN C.

UdLLAND, 21 Nonh Calvert st-, ies-ytl County Duilding. 77 IH'Vi0 INVEST IN GUOCND six per cent. C. W. BRUSH.

RP NTS wanted. Vai7-lm No. 35 Lexington street: L'O LOAN OS RFALESTA'IF. Ba imore citv or county. GROUND ARK Eli.

No. 13 st. Paul street. A iAV. i to introd: Ai'ent wanted, male and leir.ile luce a new article ot household utility.

taniral rcfjinred. Particulars tree W. A. KEMERSOS Cleveland. Ohio.

n-Jl-J-n- C'fWUk WANTED An honest, driving Man as HF. PART M-K. to take charge of urHce aad iight. prort ibie Manufacturing Buriaes'. weti To the right Man pavnentmaae easv.

J. M. ARREN. 153 West. HAbiraore ja-St J.

A TS-WANT EDSfS to tftSOO EE Ml NTH Males and Females' "t-ii tte onlv genuine coiinnoD sense 1 AMILY SEWING MA-CHtNt niaraitactnred. It will hem. fell, stitch, bir.d. braid, quilt nd embroider beantifuliy. Price only K'O.

including Bare urn's Self-Scwcr Self-luinina Uctnmer. luily warranted for five vears. CAUTION. Tieware of seiling wort': cast iron Machines, undr The same asViurs. 1-dr circulars and terms address bOWPR 253 South ilftL PhiladeljiLSa.

Pa. mf.vira': ANTE A PAP.TN ERT to take the place 01 one TI retiiinn from a tirm doing a good cast bsinf-s in Staple Good, una a heaiy Prod-ire aod mc.f. tv.n one ot the inot nonr'ftnng towns VirgiLia. Htuated immedtat'-'y on 'he R.i!:ro:id. his firm erv facility irr bhifipln? tti ir prodw- throuuh to BalUmore.

which 1 clone without break- TtZ freurnt. ir wheat crop or tM section prfirxy to'be e.xceedinlj proli2c: this will add greatly the profits ol this nrm. The partner retiring 1 con nected with a Baltimore hou, and has nor time to attend to both points, to 5 CO capital re; ed. Address "CUMMIttSION," POsIOf FH.R oX 411. STABLE WANTED "10 dccomn-.

'i-ite sc-cr Horses, 'n a etuir! lccation. Also ffsMli-A lot ot -second-Hand LLMbEK. suittle Floonn-z Coal Yard. nd 10.000 OLD Br.RR. Ar- ply to J.

HENRi GIEb-E 4: No. SI l'TH OF DISSOLUTION Tbe COPARTNFF. HIP heretofore exisUns t'Otwerc A. AS' WAY acd JOHN P. HOc PER is day iUs- SOLVEP by mutual consent.

A. LASS a. jno. P. hooper.

Ba.iimore. Juae lso7. N. A. GASSAWAV wlli cor.tinr.e tbe FLOUR and MILLING BUSINFSS at the Warehouse No.

Spear's wharf, heretofore occupied by Gassaway Hooper, in his own name and tor his owq account. Baltimore. June 6. ISoT. jeT-ofc riMlK UNBEKS1GNEI' have this day formed a Co-L partnership lot the purpose of conducting the (iAL ANI WOOD BUlNES, tn all its branches, as 11EIZ HLDtt ER.

GKKLifc ri r. IZ. JOU HOLDEtR. 1T HENRY HOI DEFER is hereby authorized to transact anv business in oc.r name aud to sign the firm per procuration Baltimore. June 1st.

lSfiT. ri'BE IAFIKs' CO-OPERATIVE 1 AII.ORI AG JL take this method ot notifying; the public that they have rented STORE No.l SOU I II GAY STREET, (second floor.) opposite Firht xNational Bant, where they are reaay to f.ll all orders in MANUFACTURING GENILE- MtN'S AND BOYS WEARING AFPAKKb, having cmoloved Mr. Joseph Y. kobi to superinteud the uiting Department. Depending upon a generous and discerning public tor support, we, therefore, solicit yonr pairoaasje in our present enterprise.

pleaeing ourselves to give entire satisfaction in au cases. 4. IMPORTANT TO THE BUILDING TRADE. Entirely New and Original METHODS for finding the iiicdct direction of every Cut in Carpentrj, Joinery -and Hand Railing. Also, Stone Catting and worKing in meiais.

xhpso meinous nave never oe-lore been presented. The work contains fourteen large plates, fully and clearly explained. Price $5. Tht author will be most happy to give practical illustrations of this elegant system, and show the advantages and pleasures that may be derived in being skilled in any mechanical branch. ROBT.

Rl UDELL, Western Hotel, jc8-Ct? corner of Saratoga and Howard streets. A CARD. The subscriber begs leave to intlmite to those whom it may he has REMOVED the COMMERCIAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE from Franklin St. to "Bnrnain's Wood," two miles on the North Point road, where the Scholastic duties will be resumed on MONDAY, the 3d of June. The number of pnpils is limited to fy one-half Boarders For particulars inquire at Booksellers, No.

86 Baltimore where, trom 11 A. M. to 3 P. each Saturday prior to may be seen the principal, JaMESKIPPARD. m25-13t JOTICE TO CONSUMERS PEA LEES IN SPRING BA LANCES.

1 be undersigned, manufacturer of MORION Bit EH NEE' SPRING BACAXCES, begs leave to assure tne public ard dealers that all Balances made by him are warranted to weigh lor correctness with any scale in common nse, and asks, as a tavor, that inspectors of weights be called upon to inspect tbe same. THOMAS MORTON. Manufacturer, m59-lm! 98 Maiden Lane. New York. HAVING TAKEN STORE No.

168 WES1' LOMBARD STREET, Between Sharp and Howard streets, I would respectfully Inform my trleocs and cus tomers that I am ready to furnish tbem anything in the WHOLESALE GROCERY AND I 'RUG LIAE, at the shortest notice and on itod terms, and hope, by a strict attention to bainess. to merit a liberal snare oi tne puoue patronage. je6 4t GEORGE L. MILL! MAN. T)EAL ESTATE SIMON MARTE- XVNET.

SURVEYOR. 6 South attends promptly to a'l kinds of Sl'RVEYING and MAPPING, and bas now established an AGENCY trj uta fvii7 a ct oro1r: i cfill ior the PURCHASE, EXCHANGE, SALE and LEASE of Houses and Lots in Baltimore city, aad Farm and other Lands in the counties. His enstomers will have the benefit of a tborougb knowledge of the citv and state, from eighteen years' experience at Surveying, and the getting up or county Maps, and ms large map and a i la of MARYLAND. fmSMm'v DAMS's OLD-ESTABLISHED SHIRT MANUFACTORY, 171 7, F.S2 BALTIMORE LiaKU next door above GOULD'S CLOCK Formerly lit) BA! TIMORK STREET. myU-lm( CAN VASf riANVAs: 8(M) A 1EN1S, for Wagon Covers 100 WALL TENTS, for Awnings.

lfH) LAltGK TENTS, for Camp Meetings, LAKGE TENT KLIKS, for Deck Awulnga. 500 IRON BED BEDSTEADS. N. F. BLACK LOCK, Agent, Jbiui comer of Light and Cocway sts.

DR. JOHNSTON. BALTIMORE lock nosriTAL, OFFICE Xo. 7 SOUTH FREDERICK UTREEl. lleovered tn tho Great Hospitals of Europe, vie: England, France, ami elsewhere, the inont certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy Iu Ui world for nil LlseaHes of lmpruduuce.

Weakness of tha Back or Limbs, Strtctures, Attectlona of ttia Kidneys end Bladder, General Debility, Nervous netis, Dyttpeptty, Languor, Low Spirits, CoutM-slon of Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity. Trembling, BaiihtultHns, lUiulitne, Itlnittnc la the Ears. Dtuineaa of tSU-Ul or lliddtncaa.

Dlsnaiien of tho Head. Throat, Nos or Skin. AUooUou ol the Liver, Luiikm, i'louiat-h or Bowels, aud the et1Ht of tUio practices wlili-l destroy boili budy aud wtud. PH. JOHNSTON, Ottlce No.

7 BOUTH FKEDKUICK BTRKKT, left baud klde golii'i irom Baltimore atrtiut, a lew uHni rrom the corner. Fall not to olm-rve Name nl Nuiu-Iter. I must contain a utaiup, a-W at or a of of 06 dt I I'EBLiC TALUASLE FEAZ ESTATS, ry BALTIMORE COUVTY. Tbe will offer tor public al, nrf v-ie, on FA I ORDA Y. 15th dftv of June, tfjf.7.

fc-'clock P. FARM. coctatBing 73 acre1, more It is sitnutecl on the new Jarrettr-viile tnrn-pike, l' miles from Baltimore, and Is admitted r-v travier and others to be one of tueprr tifest fttuf titnd for A Countrv eat on the turnpfke rrotn Battt-rnoreto yTk. iris in a ecod state of cultivation, decided'y healthy, and Improved oy a good FF.AMii liWELtlNCr, Si by IS Ject, with a 14-foot Bark Cnltd-itiz: OiTar under the front building. Good Barn.

Stock Shed, Corn House. Stable. Meat House. A1k, large asd thriving yonng RC a i of Applet, Peaches. Pe.Ars aad Chcrtes.

as also sira.U Fl.Uir generally. now bearing rineiy. There are about 13 acres in Wood. Teims: (ne-tbiri cash, tte bsisnce In FT and months: or all cast, at tte option of the pun-Laser. pferred payro'-nts to be sec-srf to tte satis'r'actiea the undersigned.


A art YELY VALUATLE IMPfOVFT AND FER-S1J1FLE VACANT A A I'CTIOX: I will sell on THl'RSDAY AFtEENGOV. Juce 13th. at 4 o'clock, on the prepises, the tollowmgr-very desirable lee-simnle PROPER 1 Y. AlLIHOsK TURfcLOIS OF GROUND AND IMPROVEMENTS situated on the nott'nwest corner Cross street and Claret ailev, (near Ftabt's Piano at tory. The Lots front Cross street and 19 feet each, and rna naefc 66 feet to an allev.

The imprsvements Ncs. cftl and const -tt o't' three well-built 1 wo-story BRICK DWELLINGS In lee. ALSO, Immediately after the sale of the above. I -will sell SIX VACKT LOJh adjoining the ibove; In fee, fiontir each Cross street 134 feet, and iunn'? back feet to a four foot gile'y Attention is particularly called to the sle of this sirable fee simple-property. Sale peremptory.

Terms cash. SAMUEL H. COVER, Auctioneer. 8Js Patt4roorc jtrft. VERY HANDSOMELY IMPROVED COL'NTki SEAT.

ON THE HAKfORD ROAD. ABOUT THREE- AilLf.S CITi LIMIT, AT AL CTXON. On WEDNESDAY, June atl oi lock. ar the Exchtnge in tbe cttyot lSitimore. -we shall Jsell that beautiful cod highiy Improved COUNTRY SEAT, situated on the Harford road, aboi three miles from Paltimovipat the intersection of the road or 3Tentie lead'og to Gbvanstown.

nd binding on sai avenue, ccntaining about twenty-one acres. 'the improvements sfe a large and beautifully arranged COTTAGE, containing eleven rooms, marble mantels, tras. Also a larsTBarn. Stabliaa. Corn House, and of the best character, and nearly ne-.

1 h.f Dwelling is situate! in a grove cf foret trees, and trom this point you a fine vivw of the bay and the surrounding country. There'1! also a tine Garden, and tbe choicest VM-iety of sbrubbery and fruit trees. The neighborhood is unexceptionable: churches and schools near by, arid tbe pipertv is situated near the country sets of Messrs-. Hamilton Caughey. Robert Moore and Persons wishing to examine the property will apply on the premises, or for anv other irrmation apply to the owner.

J.SAUERAERG. No. ail Mercer srreet.who is leaving for to Mr. SCHAKr', No. 9 Fayette street, second llbor.

Terms One-third cash: balance tn six and twelve months, with Intel est: or all rash. je4-ts( GJ F. W. BENNETT Aucts. 03 TRUSTEE SALS VALCABLE PRO PEET.

By virt-p a decree of the Court tor Baltimore coanty. toe undersigned, 1 ell at Public Anfetion. on WKDNEtDAY, the 12th fay of June, one o'clock P. at the faxebange Sales Room, in the citv of RaUitnore, THAT VALUABLE." PROF M4TY. In the county aforesaid, known as "PIMLICO MILLS," sitrate on the Old Piralico road, two and a-halt from the lieisterstown road, within one mile of Moimf Washington Station, on the Northern Central Railroad, and within one hundred and fifty yard or the Grern Spring.

avenue turnpike, now in course of construction. 1 his Pro-jerty, distant from Baltimore r'ty about five and a-halt' miles, consists of a TRACT tcntaia-ing eighty-fonr acres, more or less, of very fertile land, well watered by running stream. Fiftrv a-res are cleared part of which is under the balsnce is in yotrnz timber. Hue lntproveiaeiits ase extensive, ana arweii adipted tor the pureooes cf a Cotton Factory. GrHl Mill, Paper M11.

Brewery, rewery, Chemicsil orKS, or Tobaeeo i actory. Thev consist ot a MAIN STONE BUILDING. U) br40 feet, three and a-halt stories to which is attached a large STOE 1-U1LDING, 40 bv SO feet three stories high, with tin roof. A three-and-a-tiaif story half Stone Franve BUILDING. 49 by feet, ith tin roof.

1 his build-ina is divided into fourteen room? and one iarze toia "re-room. A rRAME BARN, with STabbng for ten horse-and necessarv Mie-ldne. A comfortable two-story an 1 attic STOVE Iwr.L-L1NG Ht-Sii, cont-aimns seven rooms, with base nrrtat kitcci A two-story FRAME ARPENTER SH( P. witt WELLING of tliiee rooms atiachec. A 1 MF DWELLING HOL wnh fjur rooms, arranged Cor two lamliies the main building contain a STEAM ENGINE, of twent v-ri re hoise power, with BOIl.i- R.

ail 1c good iiih-amg order, an i a WATER-WHEEL, cJ thirtv-ti ve et diameter: and unon the place is with MILL-BALE sutScient to run the said heei. Hie em nt s. which are aT: in nerfeet order, could not be elected at a cost of ies- thar 'Therear" sec rsl fen- SITES FOR I'WELLINGS on the puce-: tbe neigiibo: bood eceUeat. snd tbe -urtoJuairi lHtitUul. propcit.w!:!; asy it; -ti ce water-power, and tbe KdiTtabilit ot i- vteri-'i- in to u'iift ahy lca-niiactariaz weli wono- cf sac1 lesio- "ja'acc? in -4x ara tweiv it is.

ii 1 r. a 3' t- 'ix-r t- to be -ee: ion ot b. T-i': -'lor---d. 1. VV.

MOF.RLsON, ec An: ai be iees, an-: a A orsce of MOEi.itON WAtrNFR. Aticmys at Law. No T4 fit Fs'erte F-LIC UE OF rtMlSF- IN BALTIMORE (OUNTT. aut'. cortainecl a -Ton Abr-atsa.

wi-e to tte ctst- ia. lvx. a rr corded 11 Jier G.Hi No. if. iolio T3.

a a ortgi: r--orl ot inert couiiv. the -i oTer ar PUBLIC ALE. on prca.ises. on UoM'AI. vm at l- at aa raat rir.L or ia.

i in county, nor? or hicfc i. aescritvd said -iort jse. ihi-prorertv is tte I ar-r of John Arjrahan, and is ioc ted bout 10 miles i rr'ii FALTiJiORS cut by the pise, and aaioms tie vil'sge of tow on the nertneast. a point by the east side cf Green cr Church lane aad the north si te oi the read rnnciEg Irom Ksn-iailstowu to Pikesvine. it if conveniently vuled into PtintiDg.

Meadow and Woodland, is weil with Fruit and water and is imt roved hv two small DWELLINGS and a Bare, it is also believed to possess a large quan tity ol unusually fine bnciirlay. I he superior location and character of tins prorerty. and the almost certainty that the new loute of the Western Mary land Saiiroad wil pass lmtueoiateiv through it. re- coniniei.d- it to those in search ot aproflt-ibie invest ment, li will be sold entire, or in lot- losniipui- chssers. A plat may be teen on the premises, or at c.

w. BRUSH Oc i ICE. 35 Lexington street, Txsms- One-third cash, and balance six. twelve and eighteen months: or all cash. JUL! A.

V-vN NESS. Mortgagee. Jl.SJOSt. JAS. W.

WINGS. Auctioneer." TRUSTEE'S SALE OF A FINE DAI IT FARM IN HOWARD COUNTY. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court tor ard county, in equity, the undersigned, trustee, will offer at public sale, on the premises, on WE ONES-DA A', June next, at 11 o'clock A. all thit tract of land commonly called the "Atbol Farm." belonging to the estate of the late Capt. Williim A Macgul.late of saidconnty.

This Farm contains 160 acres ef land, 120 of which are under cultivation, he remainder in young Oak and Hickory lii.ber. and adjoins the lands ot Benjamin Cooke, Amos Worthington and the late Rlch'd Iglehart, Esq. It is located In a healthy neighborhood, about eight mils from EUicott City and six miles from the Annapolis Junction. As a DAIRY FARM it is unequalled in the State. The Patnxent river Aowb through one field, making a rich and luxuriant Meadow; the other fields are all watered by one or more active and unfailing streams.

Ail the buildings are new. consisting ot a two-story STONE DWELLING, and all the Outhouses nsual on a nrst-class farm. Pump near the dwelling and a Stone Dairy built over an unfailing sprins. FKUIT fREFSin bearing, and a Young ORCHARD selected rrom one oi tne oest nurseries. Teems of Sale One-third cash on tbe day ol sale or the final ratification thereof, and the bal ance in two equal Installments in one and two years, to be secured by the note of the purchaser, with approved security, or ail cash, at tbe option of the purchaser; tbe whole to bear interest from day ot saie.

nfiF-Ofi'ers of persons deslrinsr to purchase at nri vate sale will be received and considered by the trustee before te day ot sale. R. W. BALDWIN, Trustee. 29 St Paul street, or CHAS.

A. Si Commerce street. Baltimore. E. A.

TALBOTT. Auctioneer. P. S. On the same day, at 12 o'clock the ad ministratrix ol tapi.

Macgill will sell, onifie prem ises, at public auction, the PERSONAL PROPER TY, consisting of six HORSFS. eight COWS. WA GONS, CARRIAGES. FARMING IMPLEMENTS, aC. TRCSTEES' SALE OF THE 'STEAM PROPELLf-R MERCHANT OP THE CITV OF ANNA POLIS.

Bv virtue of a decree ot the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel countv. sitting in equity, passed on tne 5th ily oi' lstiT. innie rs-e oi He tarmeis" Na tional Bank of Annapolis vs. James Sands and others, the undersigned will oner at public oale, at the lE-aMBOAT ihe city of Annapolis, at VI o'clock M. on TL'FsDAM, thalih d.iy of June.

1S6T, the "iteam Propeller "MERCU A of the citv of Annapolis, together with the Rigging. Tackle. Machinery. Engines, to the sanie belontini. This Vessel is in good condition, and has been engaged lor several vears a Packet between Annatv olisand Baltimore.

1 S-10 lest in length. 186-10 feet in breadth, 5 S-10 feet in depth, acd mtm-'ure S6 1S-100 tons. The terms ot sale, as prescribed by the decree, are as lollows: One-third to be paid la' cash on the dav of sale, and the residue In eonal pavuients at six and twelve months, respectively, from the dav of sale: the whole purchase money to bear Interest from the dav ot sale, and to be secured by the bonds of the purchaser, with securitle to the'aatlsfaetloo. of the trustees. JA ES KKVKLL.J Annapolis, May 11.

lSq. leB-lt- TRANSIENT CUSTOMEKst Get your JLV Horses fed. cleaned and Carriages whed cc at EE1LLA STABLE. 5 and So WEST LOMBARD fr 40 ceuts. HACKS alwa- ready for Jobs at Stable.

Has Hearse au 1 Maurnin Coaches for funerals. The greatest care and attention paid to monthly horseo. jeA-liti LAFAYETTE LIVERY. HiLE, NIRIXG AND tf3Lv EN til A Xti o. A LL x.

The proprietor reapecllully solicit share of pu lie patrobuge. keeping constantly ou baud Fast uorsm AND ((HiD BUGGIEsl, And adles and Gents' superior Svldle HOKSK lor hlre.on very reasonable term. Particular ana lion paid to juivery py tn uy, we or mouth. OCNU ESUN, lrotnetvr, Jei ISO Fayette atreet. GREAT WEST HUN CAK1UAOE BA- ZAAK, No.

10 North Ihtetrt Hrent. Jultx-rrv wmiI tYtinXtvi $trts. CARRIAGES' CAKHIAGKS1 CAKRIACKsr Tbe Cheapest, place tn th cilv by cvJ ier i-nl. The lart-eat and nnet assorlmvnt of iprlu tyle laudly Carrlnct-, R.hWwv, Topaud No top Bugie, Top aud tlall top Park lhevu. iule aud iHtuble aud nuy oiher i)le of rhl.

hU wtU be aidd to lo -h or approved r-per. beiiud-haud carittt;" luexchaa. All 'll i arraulel rreeute4. Al. all Wind ol Hruv-.

dilHa, Ht llle. koit) 4 U. is o. UiilV I J4 Im'i MONUA1', june 10, 185T- Hcprrica for the Baltimore Snn. Hi Annapolis, June S.

TWKVTV-nrTU DAT. -critic- lin -I' o'clock. Pravc-rby tbe "1,0 ro11 was called aud fortv-Tif-mb Tf answered to their names. Chair announced that uo quorum was and asked what order woild the Ccti-v. i i foddirt thouffbt there were enough the city io constitute a quorum, and 7.

that the absent members be sent for, i as agreed to. scrpeaiit-f't-arms, after the lapse oft wen-Tiiitos, returned aud reported that he was find bet one member in the city, besides who answered to their names. Howison moved to adjourn. Vic Kai suid a maioritv t'this Convention ciclcci steraay to sit to-cmy, ana tie iter- tn make tne inquiry wuere mose ts were. Me had desired to go to the sins, bat had remained here to attend to ii-incss, and he thought this was bad faith of the maioritv.

lie saw the faces of a number who had voted to adjourn ov-r, should -ike to know the names of those ere not here, but who had voted to stay. susrircsted an adjournment over v-iav. Ivite'nie raised the point tbar for less than a quornni it was onlv to adjourn 'iav to Mr. yacknbii submitted to the point. Chair said it could only entertain a motion

r.ioiion ot Mr. Carter, the Convention th.en until Monday, at 10 o'clock. I FROM WASIIIXGTOSr. of the Baltimore San-1 Washington. June 0.

of the Prc-ftdcnt and Sinte from Nor'h Case Settled Nec Tr'Ct1 Trio! Law Cases,ation Ht-rconl Pi -tonal and Mis Prcsidem and suite returned to this city T.iay (Saturday i afternoon, at four o'clock. alter the presidential party left Ktch-i yesterday nmrnimr. a salute was tired by c'ltnent ot Cnited "States artillery on a lot line of the railroad and within view of enters. A company of cavalry was in ti same premises, Ashland, sixteen miles from Eich-, a crowd came to the cars for the purpose "ir tluir respects to the President and Senard. The Pos'-master General left and returned to AYashincion on Cheers were given the train the crowd called on the for a speech, but be merely thanked fur their cordial reception.

Au citizen rushed forward with album in and quested aud procured the auto-i-; of the President and Secretary Seward, -ere uiveu as the train Jett the station, -rf-yils nr the various stations were larger if -c-tutn than on the journey to Raleigh, a correspondimr increase hospitai'ry Will on ol rai til Til v. aracter. the was 'wsion crc ai 'iv mm rem from th municipal authorities, road and others. All the party elves uelisrbtcd with the trip, er havinj; occur ted of an l'isrnce of the President embraced for its usual spnriir c-eaniu. the Ti-e a '-en up IroU) the- assasjes and the novrs- coveret! witn c-iicio' inr.

The heavy window curtains viI. and neat widte shades piaces. on case has at la-t been ds-c and lie cannot e-eape a term of service Albany penitentiary. The Supreme Court I sitting in banc' on Saturday, over Tiiorum to set aside tbe sentence, aud .1 fhe judgment ot the court below. Coi.o-., sentenced to imprisonment for ten year-, le removed to Albany serae'im duri-itr probably to-morrow.

ca--e of William E. Cleaver, heretofore in causinc the death Elves, the court has ordered a Dew sr.rr;. to-mo rosceii ca row. ion will nv: T-ro oh- bly be Nearly ive srt all ved. he and irnesscs District that the th.

Mr. tense, is 'arrie j'oii on Saturday stated no I'jubi be one ol the coum rucee ftr he.l'f:. 3'ortiin-r and Smith, the from the jail here Thursday, hi vhem charge of ee prison-r. Tuesday had vre-rIarionslv aud robbing the house of Mrs. i'o ee.

I. Ights n-ar ijeorefown. duriiig the -hurt --'a'. tiieir escape and recapture. I Court on Saturday'.

Mess-s. I aviag.J. H. -iohnson. and Mr.

Clark, of d. as attorneys for Robert L. McPtier-; eorgeTuwn. s. T.

McPherson. of Riitv nd the Taylor heirs of Baltimore, tiled a 'r- the wi'Tol'the late Mary Ann tllegeri ground that the deceased wa cot .1 and 'lispsisg memory "i tim exe-'Uiiatr the will, and h-it -nrt utidu influence had been eser-: her by Mrs. Julia A. Barret, to whom the estate is bequeathed. The at about it is said that Vratr.

ol Maryland, has been retained auv oonrt take A wh 'CT. o'' the ts appohit-'-d a co Tim's aony in the case of L. C. bring an acnor to secure reward ot offere 1 tltr for the apprehensiea of the laf Presi-ieut Lincoln. Lieut.

Oi" tlie respondents to the claim tie of tne reward, in his arts' nat h5 wa- ordered by he latter as-P. of r. er to At region about Belie Plain, but denies rv i trap trader the. command of conger, one detective, aud who, withL B. tied th party.

vd that there is shortly to be a 'arge re of the clerical iorce 'employed ia the and Third Auditors' offices and the burear; oi the Treasury Department, in r.ce of the scarcity of work. i evenirg the sacrament of confirmation v. to sixteen per-ons at Tritiity the Right Rev. Bishop Xerfoo-r. of assisted by Rev.

R. F. Lowrie. the Jn i. V.

Lewis, rector of St. John's "fey. Trimble aud Rev. Mr. Payne, and Rev.

Mr. Harris, of pern nee procession, which va post-i. from Friday, on acconut of the rain, is tsko place on July 4th. Rev. Dr.

to-diy delivered two sermons r.poa tom- radicals bare appointed a committee of re. i item each ward to inquire into the truth of t- a i'eged report that colored people had been from employment beca rise they voted ticitet. The annua! examination of the pupils of t'ae p-i'- 'ic school of thi city will be commenced on tidav. June 37th. The examination of the T-orgctown schools will commence July 2d.

iifi'i. L'dward-i Peirepont. one of theconnsel trie prosctalion in the Surratt case, in at Gooding renrned to the city yester-hiv his recent, visit to Indiana. '1 1.e new aficrnoon paper, he Express, will V- tarred on Monday. It is to be democratic, i'- editor Frank M'cCortney, now an ed- to.

r.f.f tne Intelligencer. O. iTTtn FHOM ASNAPOLLS. eorrespoirdence of the Baltimore Sun. Axnapolis, June 8.

rrovUlc-tts Relative to Baltimore 'v Co i ptmp.I Election of Mayor and Coin-f-Hu-f-n loaning the City Credit Uury, etc. It is understood that the committee on public crks and corporations will report a provision linking to the election of mayor and members of the city council Baltimore on the first Wednesday in October next, the mayer to hold his nice for four years and receive a salary of 1,000 per annum, the members of the second branch to hold office for four, and the members of the first branch fur two years, with the same compensation as that now given. The regular sessions of tiie city council to commence on the third Monday in January, and not to exceed ninetv working ri-ns. and no eilled session to exceed twentv v- king days. The new mayor aud city council to lu'Ae power to vacate all existing city offices and fill them at pleasure.

The committee will, it is thought, prooose another very imoortant section, which, if adopted, will go far towards reerTiiining the reckless extravagance which has prevailed iu the administration of municipal affair for several years past. This section will revoke all power to leud the faith and credit of the city, and provide that hereafter all questions of that sort, or appropriations in the same quarter, shall be first approved bv the mayor aud two-thirds of the city council, and then, before taking efl'ect be submitted to the legal voters of the city for ratification or rejection. The report of the committee on usury and the rates of interest would have been presented today had there been a quorum. As before stated, the committee recommend an advance to the present legal rate of six per cent but allow written contracts at any rate. There seems to be some disposition among members, however, to inert ase the legal rate to sevcu per cent, that being the amount now allowed in neirly all of he States.

LETTER rilOM TIIE WEST. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. Xeavenworth, June 4, 18d7. V'Aff Pacific RaUwc.y Excursion Progress to and Arrival at Leavenivorttv Supping and Break fatting Fort Leavenworth VisU and llecj-ticn jnere Pilot Knob Magnificent Views- The MmovriimerJl Jftourisntng UityA West- em Scene Vt'agons from Santa I'e Tie Poute from St. Louis Incidents of Night Travel, r.

This city presented an unusually 'lively appearance to-day on the arrival of the excursionists over the Union Pad 8c railway, Eastern Di vision. The party, which baB now swelled to the number of over one hundred and thirty pardons, left St. Louia yesterday afternoon by the Pacific aud Missouri railway, stopping at Franklin to sup, a place which was voted nnnsually attractive by the gentlemen on account of the Tlands being'served rrp by very pretty vaitreeses, and thence travelling all night we reached here to-day at about 10 A. M. Here the party were placed in four-horse omnibuses and takenfo the Flf-niers' House, where a substantial breakfast, of as variety and excellence -as any hotel tbe East may boast, was cfuly dis-jpntcbed.

A visit to Fort Leavenworth constituted the Icntnrc of the day. This fort, situated at the a i it a i i bATFKDAT. June S. lSi7. ices gren Mow refer to wholesale operation only.

otherwise expressed. offeb. nark Aquidneck came up to-dav. brine-ltig a cargo of 5065 bags from Kio. which Increases the stock here In irst hands to nearly 30.000 bags, and onermg better inducements to bu vers in the way ot selections than at any former period during the present year.

The market Is still quiet; we notice sales ot o00 hags Kio, ex Agnes, at cents: 310 do. from second hands at l6alSJ cts. mostlv 16K cents; quote for prime and choice I8al9 cents'gold. ottos- "Was again dull and held nominally at 27 ct for middling Upland. cu.

There is nothing doing worthy of remark, though holders to-day were rather more cheerful, ant imparted a slightly improved tone to the market. We repeat lormer quotations, though mainly nominal: Howard Street super and Cut Extra 10 'S5U o. Extra shipping 12 50a13, do. high grades 13 SOatlt 00, dp. Family 15 SOatslti 00: Ohio Suoer and Cut Extra 0 50.

do. Extra shipping none, do. retailing none, do. Fcmily I5ai5o0: Northwestern Super none do. Extra 12 00at3 00; citv Mills Super 10 50all 00, dj.

standard Kxtra 12 00, do. slapping brands 14 00; Baltimore, Welch's, Green-ield and Weverton Family tI50, and Baltimore high gradf Extra 10 50aJ17 per bhl. live Flour-new 8 T2Xa3 i5 Der bbl. Corn Meal City Mills 5 20at5 25 ner t)rL C-eaix. Wheat was scarce, oulv a few hundred red ottered on "change, though there are several holders of Pennsylvania lots in store, who are not disposed to sell at current prices no sales reported to day.

Corn was in very limited receipt, but there was cousideraDle renuaimns over from previous day. nearly all of which was taken at improved price com bared with the close of yesterday: we report sales of 8 to 10.000 bushels white at 1 02a 1 05, bulb at 1 0bal 05; 2000 bushels yellow fit 1 OSa $1 10: nothing rioing in mixed. ats- 2700 fcu-Iis received; market dull, no sales reported; 78 cts refused for 2PC0 biisbels. mot-asses. Nothing doing.

Mili, Supply light, oemand fair, and prices steady, viz: for Browustutfs 4Scts; light Middlirtes DO cts: good do. 55a.7 cts; and Extra heavy do. 65a 0 cts per bushel. Pktfoletm. We hear of nothing in Refined, iu bond: free is held more firmly at -13a45 ctb per gallon.

PnovTSioss. Bolk Meats are quiet; quote Shoulder? held at 9 cts. with 8 cts ollered; Mdes scarce, notice the sale of a car load to-clav at 10 cts for looe. packed ro. are held at 11 cents.

Bacon Is in moderate demand or southern orders, which are rilled at i0al0, ceiits for city smoked: good Western Shoulders are held at 9 cts net cash: Sides steady at cts for Western rib; Chy do. 12a124 cts: Western clear rib cts; City lo. li'X cts. Mess Pork is steady at $23 75 per bbl for retail lots. Western Lard in trcs loial33.i cts per lb, latter for smalt lots; City M'c less.

Kick Continues quiet, but held Srm at il4nYi. cents iot prime Carolina: ltangoon is also steadily h-ld at 93aP cts per lb. Salt Is without change in either demand or prices. We quote for lots trom dealers, viz: Liverpool Fine a 10. and do.

Ground Alum $2 10 per sack. Tn iks Island 58aCU cts per bushel for lots from store. St CrAR We notice a firm market, though few sales reported, viz: 15 hbds Cuba at 12 cents: 15 hhds Porto hico at Vl cts; and 20 do. Demerara vacuum at iS cents. Whisky.

We hear of no transactioa? either of free or in bond, but Quote the latter held at 33ai.1 cts per gallon. IMAKKLTS BY TtXEOeAPTI.l Nrw Tons. June 3. ottoo dull and unchanged: salts at 'il cts fdi" middling. Hour firm and oetter: sales .00 Obis, Stat at 8 05ul2 30.

Ohio llSOafliSJ. Western 10 05a12 25: Southern 10 20a 1G. and tabtor-nin at 12 15all 15. "Wheat more acrivc; sales of 34.000 buKbs. Milwaukee No.

2 at 2 35. Corn is weak: sales bushs. mixed Western at 1 OiaH tor new: 1 Uafl 17): for old: Southern white laf 10. Cats in betrer dema'cd: sales ot 00,000 bnshs, Southern at cents. Western at 79aR0 cts.

Beef 0 mi. Fork is active and lower: new Mess Lai is lower at 12X cents. Vhisky firm. Western 5 cents in bond, suctar is Muscovado at l'Jull cts. Naval Store" dull.

Spirits TRrpentlne W) cents: Knsin Feirolenm dull. Tallow is at llallJS cents. Freights are quiet. Fnn.AUEi.purA. Junes.

flour very Snpei -S tstia i'ailt- Wheat is dull; Pennsjlvania red 2 50t.2 60. Fie at 1 COafl 65. Corn d'lll; yellow at sill. Cats in-. ctive at 7S cents.

Whisky nominal. Cot.rMM Wrroi.sAi.E Market. June White Fine Cn.tiuss or sanities do. ad ccm-hiod do. ctrtumon iH: do.

1st common fit'a do. Pannel do Joi-t and hcantlin 2.n Heiu-lock Joist and scar.tliui ISa.scO: Ash aad ()k 40 '-i5; tr( ssed Flooring ttoard 2 W'v40; herrv 5: Fop-lai- V. alnut Fhvr.k 40 7.1a:: Picket- He(bfl 12n'Ms: I lsstei inT La'li 1: t-niiiiles. 26 inch, I6-it25: bunch Sa10: itootimr Latii Jane s. aioftdv s'a in moderate b.csl demand.

Vamiiv l2al fane-' 15 Wbtat So. 1 fnrer 2 i'i; No.l Spring Cc-m quiet at T3 cents. (at bizhev: No. fn ents. I.

jo ua'cttled at 10. 'on on duU aal nominal: rcidiilinz 24'a23 cents. Whisky uomiut; sales bbl rept-ritd in tK'iid. aivi caused n.anj sunuises. Mes- Fork du't toi c'tv.

Bnlk Mats mi Bicon unchmmed. I.itril held'-; cents. Biiiter uull at 15a il cents, tsys li cents. St. l.oris.

Jttce S. Tctaccc heavy. flat: miCdiii ay ts; strict 21.. liea at IMa undiessed: -OOaF- 'J 'h e. sed Flonr iefbair.i.

MViriXy choice Fall 15. Wheat dnM: chviice prime Sj rini $1 65: Northern 1-all sOat' choice (all $2 25. Corn decliningr at cents. Oatsde- ciinina cents, live dull at 1. IProv.sionH ac-t tiai -zed.

I.ard dull and noaiina1. cents. Wlisky nominally unchanrei. Lti'i stilt It MP.K.s. Sales ol 25-' i'hci-.

(Hi; cc at full ratf-s; t-'i .1 for lialit common lii's: 2 :0 for cuttiae leaf. Sutcifae Fiour 75 Vi brat nominal at 4-2 -tiii ten sOnso cents, in-cl'K'ii 2T sacks and delivery. Oats, ilk. h5a70 cent. ess 1 ork T2 Iiar-on cts: cles.r ides cents, packed.

1 aw isa20 cent C'niCACO. June P. Kloni dull and heavy. What Aim but qnift and advanced OaiO cent; No 1 i 20. Ko 2 at 1 af2.

Coru di -and deed- ed it ccrits. Of.r- arced 4 cents, at cts. tor No. 2, CiOsinz ot li.e outside. Fye rdvarre nt-.

8. 1 0al 2--i for No.l. c-ioina at 1 12al 15. t1 ti tid nominal. Provisions duii.

Mess rork ottered, bard nnchnnf d. I'OSt I HALTISIOitE. June 1H7. lis 1 Sun sets 7 22 CLE KED. Stuir? Wm.

Kennedy. Hallct. Boston via Nortolk. L. Huggir.s; Ja'iies A.

Gun-, Wilson. N.t Hudgiiis: Fetershtirg.Trax ei s. liichn id. .1. Jb-jiiOt tolumtia.

Harper. AK-sa'idria. Wi th.naton: Horf rce Franklin. Fiersuu, I'liiUd -1-ph'is, J. A.

Shriver; Ocrorara, Reyn is. i rk. ffhriver, Wm.JWhillden. P)iibtdlpeia S. I'lals dfll.

Fhip J. F. I'atten. Prcy. Yoivohama.

M. rcdith; brig W. A. Kc gers, (Br.i Yaruiout'i, N. IMglow Sargeni; schrs Annawon.

Kimbali, Elfn-ibf-ra. Pope A- Cole: Ietta. tnton, Stick-nev Co Clyde. Gage, Providence, C. W.

Molt, Hhi Boston, Hatc l.ond Dan! Chase. Chaileston. D. F. Keeling; Joseph Nicterson.

sleight. Hoboken, N. E. Pratt A- barges Ilennessy, Jersey city, A. V.

Joslyii, Smith, Albany, N. A. Gemmeli. SAii.Krs Brigs Echo, in tow of Ella; W. A.

Eojers; bars' "Winifn hcm L. W. Alexander, in tow ot May Vi.ccn. Went to sea, brig Meta, hence for Riga, on the sth inst. ARRIVED.

tstmp fca ill. Dntion. from Charleston. stmr Richard Willing. Cundi1 from rtelnhia.

s-iiur Mm. oodward. Cnnditr. irom York. PtmrWm.

Whillden. Kigiau.lrom Pnilai-jlnhiu. slrnp Elbe Knigtit. Travers. from Kichmond.

Si mi- Express. Nichle, from Alexandria. stmr John S. Shriver. Oennis.

from Fhlladelnhia. Stmr Diamond State, Talbot, from Philadelphia. large E. a. Stevens, Meekins, trom New York.

Bark Acinidnock, borough, from Rio Janeiro. Schr Sea Bird. Robinson, from Washington, N. C. CLEARED FOX BALTIVORK Stir.p North Point, Bilbips, irom Sava mah (ith.

Stmp McClellan. nowes. ston via Norfolk, 7th. Schr Rock, Rowland, Philadelphia, 7th inst. Schr Charlotte, Fish.

Boston, 7th inst. ARRIVED FROM BALTIMORB. Stmr FJlie Knight, Travers, Richmond, 4th inn. U. S.

sroreship Relief, Belden, Mobile, 4th inst. Schr. Francis, Hatch, Portland, inst. Schr Maggie Gray, Charleston. Sth inst.

EM OKA DA. Bark Lapwing, Benthall. from Baltimore, and brig Fruncis Jane, from Montevideo, ariived at Kio Janeiro, ior to April 29th; ia port April 29th, bark Flora, lor Baltimore. Bark Industrie, (Brem.) Hilken, from Bremen for Baltimore, was spoken 2th ult lat. 42 no Ion.

43 24. Biig H. J. Burton, Burton, from Baltimore for viiosor, arrived rt Holmes Hole. 3d inst.

Brig vtaredale. Molseed. at Si. Johns, P. R.May 26th, would sail for Baltimore, about the 20th.


ING. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 59 WEST FAYETTE mSl-lm! rear St. Paol street. MOkKIS BOND. y.

A 7 TO ME? A LA TF. No. 33 ST. PAUL STREET. m2l-eo2m4.

Between Saralooa and Lexington. OOB1ET LYON ROGERS. SX Has removed to No. 5 SPURRIER'S COURT, 38 Lexirgton street. m'25-lm 1 sTOCKETT MATTHEWS.

KEG1STEII IN BA SERUPTCr, THIRD CJONG11ESSIOXAL. DISTRICT. Office 46 LEXINGTON Baltimore. je3 lm'( EBEATTY GRAFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW and SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. Commissioner of Feeds, Conveyancer, and Real Estate Attorney.

bs removed his office to No. 5 ST. AUL ST. Claims collected in all parts of the United States. Bankrupt and all legal papers prepared, tn 22- 1 ADA JKANNERET ha re- XV moved to No.

C3 LEXINGTON STREET, where she keeps a full assortment ot HUMAN HAIR. Fan cy Go-ds, Perfumery and Toilet -'tides. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Hair-dressine. ml5 lni'- EMOYAL. The undersigned would respectfully LVi inform bis friends and the public generally, that be has removed to nis new vvareuonse, cam-DEN between Charles aad Light, where, with increased facilities, he is prepared to handle more advantageously all kinds oi Produce in his line.

1e7-6t TV. W. Will MAN. ALBERTI. BRINK CO.

HAVE REMOVED From No. 8 South Liberty street to No. SIS WEST BALTIMORE STREET, near Eutaw. mG-lniN rpOYS. IRON TOYS.

TIN TOYS. A PKWTER SOLDIERS. TRUMPETS. ETC Housekeeping and Br Uing Hardware, wholesale andretaU. c.

w. UKEKMJfiELD, jS-ot 8Q Lexington stieet, wont of Green. TOOFING SLATE Just received. Sold low. or It put it on French or other roofs.

Call and see stock at my Slate, Granite and North River Blue Stono Yard, corner Pratt and Penn streets. MATTHEW OAULT. CJEW1NG MACHINES Singer's. Howe's and all to kinds. Repaired, tor Sale and Rent.

H. C. BULLOCK. Practical Machinist. 16-Stl 61 South Howard near Pratt.

OOM ANP STEAM POWER FOR KENT Inthe Sun Iron Builuiuit Apply al tbe otllce oi the Hnt KR1V1SG ANU VR SALE a.000 pound HAMS. 5.DH0 pounds SI UES. 6.000 pouuda SUOIILOKIW. K0 barrels MESH PORK. SUbarrclu PRIME MESS.

Hi tierces PRIME LAKU. 20 kei PRIME LAU1. 10 kens prims packed BUTTER. 5 boxes Counlry BACON. ftObaleaSHODItV.

All kinds Country Produce. A. C.HTUIHIKOV l-lltt' KQ 1 1 Kowly'a whiu UalUaivie. Jno. Woolford and C.

Buhn Slingluff. administrator? of Jacob Albert and Laura W. Albert vs. Aug. James Albert.

and twenty-eight others: bill tiled to require the trusts of the last will ot Jacob Albert the elder to be fulV executed lar as complainants are concerned. nitfd State District Court. Judge Giles. James Weseott vs. James II.

Haley and E. Larmer: libel for supplies, furnished schooner Method: libel taken pro foxftseo', decree for iibeliant for John H. Baer aud George H. Hilt vs. Schooner Eliza A.

Johnson: libel to recover proceeds of wood shipped on sc hooner E. A. Johnson: decree for libellants for.H,'9 50. Court adjourned until to-day. S'petioi Court.

Judge ilartin. John Taylor. vs. Elisha M. Mosher: bill iu equity: bill dismissed.

State, use of Adeline Price. vs. The Northern Central Railway Company: motion tor new trial on the ground of excessive damages: argument concluded anl held sub curia. Assign ment. ol; to inclusive.

CO'i1. Letters of administration on the estate of James Fields, were granted to Jarees M. Jackscr. find James 11. Miiiikiu.

rix Court for Baltimore t'nrsTr. Tactontonn. June sth. Hon. D.

C. II. Emory, 'ucige: John T. Elisor, Esq State's Attorney. William Jnes vs.

Benjamin Cook: action on au open account reported yesterday. Verdict for plaintiff for Messrs. Weeeden and Keeeh or olaintifi': R. R. Boarman.

for defendant. State vs Barney Safer, indicted for an assault tnci battery on John Schmidt. State vs. same. nclicted for an a-sanlt and battery on Catharine chniutr: tried be fore the court: not finished.

R. W. luHigi-trty. fur the defense. Court ad-IcnruC'G tintii Monday.

XE1VS IS BUIEF. Colonel Trank Wicker, assistant engineer in the late Russian American Telegraph Expedition, hasariiveo at New York. lie has explored die.wbOie coast of our new possessions, and can 'umisn our government with valuable informa- respecting that far-off portion of Uncle Sam-i; dominions. T. F.

Paige, colored, has been commissioned 'iy Governor Peirpout. of Virginia, a notary pr.b-!k- for Norfolk citv and county. Rev. M. P.

Gaddis has been preaching in Cincinnati a taii si theatrical representations in and the Black Crook in particular. General John G. Foster has accept e.i the invitation i.f a ni rober of leading Uo-tocians to a jv.blie dinner on Wf dr.esnay evening next. The National Typographical Uni n. recently in esston at Memphis, has adjourned to meet nex1 June in Washington.

Rev Dr. J. A. will preach the Baccalaureate sermon at the ensuing commencemen: at Washington College. Va.

It is stated that Fred. accompanied by other colored orators, is about to make a canvas? of the Snth. There is a family in Madison, Morris county. N. a father eight sons, who have neve-tasted liquor.

Good for Jersey. William J. Marsh, a clerk in the New York postofhee, was arrested on Friday lor stealing letters, ana confessed his guiit. During May 15,463 acres 'of public lands were disposed of at the offices in Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin. The Chicago Common Council have appropriated fcSiiO.tK-b for sewerage The Masons at St.

Michael's, propose a new and town hall. R. Beckley, of Buckley's famous min strel troupe, du at cniney. Mats 1 nn iay A large number ol Norwegians are emigrating from (Quebec to the I'nib-d States. The distilleries in 1'eoria nave stopped on account tie ingti citity ana low once oi whisk The yacht Henrietta, tbe late icean lace, nos arrived in r-ew i orK irom E.fope auXETAKY AS1 C'OttMKiiCIAi.

There is more confidence in financial circle in regard to the prospects of business, for the intelli gence as to the crops is of a gratifins character. general confidence is reviving, collections are easier, and the fears are subsiding as to the movements or the Treasury cansinz further disturbance of business by locking up currency and withdrawing It Irom circulation. he receipts ot internal re venue thus far this month indicate that tbe official estimate of tor the month will be reached. The developments now being made the manufacture of whisky, and its escape trom the payment ef the tax, will bring the whole subject prominently before Congress at the next meeting, where tbe Question of raising the revenue will he greatly simplified if means are devised whereby the tax can be collected on tbe greater portion of the whisky that is manufactured. The general efl'ect of the last public debt statement seems to have been to reassure the public mind.

But a 6mBllnmount of business was done at the Baltimore Stock Board on Saturday. Gold sold at 136J6 seller's option 10 days. Of Governments 5-20s 4th sold at 1GS, 2d and Sd at 105. Maryland State 6s 1870 brought 101g, and Virginia Cs of IS67 34. bonds lf85 changed hands at 97K; Marietta and Cincinnati II bonds at 78, and Citizens' Bank stock at 1-1 Money is eay enough at 6aS per eent on undoubted paper, while less desirable names are slow at higher rates.

At ew York on Saturday the demand for money was less pressing. 1 be market was, however, Ga7 per cent on governments and stock collaterals. Foreign exchange was quiet and nominal, as usual after the steamer sails. Gold was unchanged at 1:56. The railway market was stronger, especially for New Tork Central and Erie.

The Government list was higher on the new otherwise the Changes were slight. Foreign exchange is firm at ew York. Bills at 0 days on London are quoted 10911)9 for commercial: 109JallOM for bankers'; do. at short sight Paris at 'iO days 5.18 do. at short sight 5.l2:a5.lC; Antwerp o.lSia".12r: Swiss 5.l7a 5.12)4; Hamburg SfealdX: Amsterdam llalll: Bremen 79ai9: Prussian thaleis 72a 72M.

American silver sells nt 5a6i cents below tbe price of gold. Mexican dollars are quoted at ba iOi'A in gold. Tbe steamers from York Xcw on Saturday took out 11,299.500 in specie. Tbe National Fire Insurance Company. Baltimore, bas declared a dividend upon the capital stock ot 13 per cent lor the past six months 10 per cent to tbe stockholders, and cent to tbe contingent fund, payable on and after the 10th instant.

Government, state and City taxes paid by the company. The Union Petroleum Company has declared a dividend of 3S per cent. The quotations tor compound interest notes areas follows: June, 1864, 1196; July, 1804. 118: August, October, 184, 117; December, 1804, 1166; 115; August, 1865.111); September, 114, October. 1 SG5.

114 SALES AT BALTIMORE ON SATURDAY. 2000 Am'n Gold.slO YXiX 5000 U.S.5-20s.4th 1084 fti-00 4th IWi 1IK.0 U. S. 7-SOs 2d 105 3000 2d 1054 6C00 3d 105i 3000 17. S.

7-309 3d 105 300 Maryland os ISO Virginia 6s, 18(57 Si 500 Marfr-ClnKbain 78 50 sbs Citizens' Bk 14 14 ETOCK PIlICTSS AT XEW TORIt JUNE b. (By Magnetic Telegraph. TTTiltpd Rtalpn rnimon (is 1S81 112: do. 5-20S 1st 109V. do.

5-208 2d 105; do. 5-20H iVl 106: do. 5-20s 4tb lO-tw 10-409 09i: do. 7-3US 1st 100; do. 1-M 2d do.

-80s 81 American Gold 136: Tennessee bs tj8; Virginia t'8 C9: Uorth Carolina 0s Missouri (id Canton Cumberland 29: Western Union Tele graph UUi Quicksilver 25: Martnosa 7: do. prctd York Central 100: Erie 60J; Hmlson IOmvC: Weadlnor imU: Michigan Central MX; Michigan Southern tie; Illinois Central 119M: Pittsburg 7H-. Northwestern do. prefd 58V: Cleve aud Toledo H8K: Rock Island Fort Wayne Wil; Terre Hante tli: Toledo and Wabash 41Y: Ohio and Mi-wisnlppl Certllicutes20; Pacinc Mail 138K. Tone of the mar.

ket strong. The amount of National bank currency Issued to date is fcJW.loa.Kt. The following Natioual bank se-curitles are held oy the United States Treasurer: or circulating notes. tor depoaiU of public monies, 99.102,0j0-tJtal, tU79.ffiW.450. The receipts from Internal revenue on Sutarday on the retcrn Sundav v.

onld spent- there ana at yanuotte. Passing the State une and on towards Leavenworth, ss tbe -un grade illv rose in the eastern horizon, we neared Wyandotte. wLi. is a beautiful tow the vist rank ot the Misom i riv er. at he unction of lie Kansas river.

'i his place is at the icter-eecion of the Missouri Pacific end the -Jnion Pacific. After leav ing Wyandotte, -which the iady passengers insist "should tie :ur.s: Vr." nothing of interest occurred until reaching Leavenworth. Although every one is tamiliar with the fact o' there being a Pacific in progress, but lew are aware of what is actually being clone to dbnnect the two shore of the c-: rinent. Ther. are two railroads being constructed one called he nion Pacific rai 'roa J.

v. hict. start at Omaha, opposite Council Bluff's, in Iowa, and goes westward towards Denver, (Completed about 300 miles, I thence beyond by a railroad Sacramento Lake Citv the other. called he "nion P'aeiiie eastern division, coa.meucing at W-acdotte. Kansas, am' completed to Fort Harker.

and int ended to go Santa Fe. 1 hence to San rancisco. with, a branch to Denver ity, it has also a branch from VTyan-i dotte Lea vin worth, is citj bein th apex a uipngle of roads. This latter is the read on which we ate traveling. There Is some talk oi going out beyond where tbe rail are laid down, und'T the protection of General i 'ancock.

bn! no certainty at present. The road to Leaveu-! ortb runs through a ikl looking ctntntry along the Missouri river, vkich I- navl.gab by steam-I boars to this point. C-. Reported for tbe Paincre of -the ity C'oniicll. FinT Branch.

at'Kl-iv. June h. present John M. Jones. Esti president, and a quornm of members.

Petitions were presented from Win. D. Jones, a late policeman, -or extra pay. By Mr. Bartholow.

from P.McMavns. have a sign extended, 2.3-j Maiberry street. By tht chair, from the board of r-chooi commissiontrs. requesting an appropriation to build a school-louse on a lot on Chae street. Mir.

Piwalt. from the committee on edncaiion. reicrted a resolution authorizing tbe cchool commissioners to purchase Franklin Hall and lot in the rear, of Joseph Roopert for iS.CC'J. subject to a ground rent" of To. ior male and" fecr.ab-jiriniary school No.

IT, and appropriating Mf for tnat purpose. Also a resolution appropri ating 0 for the enlargement of male and female primary school building No. 17. The Chair presented au invitation to the city council Irom Miss Margaret Pnrviance and Mrs. Boyd, to attend a festival of the Union Orphan Asylum, corner of Schroeder and Franklin street, on Tuesday evening next: which was accepted.

The resolution from the second branch authorizing D. T. Dunn to erect a steam engine at No. South Charles street was adooted. A resolution to autlorize Mr.

Jarnieson to erect a frame shed: was adopted. The resolution appropriating to erect a platform foradis charging machine at the Marine Hospital which was adopted. 'Mr. Brooks offered a resolution antbciizing Margaret Joseph erect a frame kitchen it i-A North Kden street: which was adopted. Mr.

Herold offered a resolution for the removal of pump ou the southwest corner of Pond snd Aliceiinna street: which was referred to the ivutef board. Mr. Brooks offered a resolution for the repair ot a pump at tbe southeast t. itter of Madison and Aisquith streets: which was. referred to the water board.

The resolution adverse to the petition for a re-survey of the harbor was adopted. The resolution authorizing Wm. Woodward to erect frame sheds to be used as a nursery, on property back of Eager street, was adopted. The resolution to authorize George V. Ayres, John L.

Yates, Henry Menge! and Thomas Bradyhouse to erect, frame sheds, fcc, was adopled. The resolution appropriating $4,730 to rebuild and sheath, the Marine llosoital wharf, was adopted. The in front cf their church on Canton avenue. resolution authorizing Henry Hartwig and G. T.

Otto to erect barbers' noils was adopted. The resolution authorizing John Flaherty, John G. IIulsbofT snd John Fecher to erect, frame awnings fzonr of their premises was adopted. The ordinance making appropriations (in part) for the support of the city government for was passed, Mr. Ewalt offered a resolution requesting the city commissioner to infarm the branch of the cost of ereclmg a male and female primary school house on the corner of Clay street und Morton alley, which was adopted.

A message was received" from the second ranch, proposing to adjourn until Monday, the 21th instant, widen was concurred in by yeas 11, nays fj, as follows: Yeas Messrs. President, Herold, Randolph, Robinson, Green, Nails. Bartholow, Fenton, Cuulk, Ewalt and Bankerd 11. Nays Messrs. Steuart, Brewer, Horner, Ha-dv, NichoJls atid Smith 6.

Messrs. Burcb. Brooks and Proctor. Second Branch met. Present, Samuel Dner, president, and a quorum of mem bers.

Mr. Bavlev offered a resolution authorizing tbe city register to reiund to the respective claimant all taxes paid in error for the grading and paving North avenue; read and adopled. Received from the first branch an ordinance providing for tbe education of colored children in the city of Baltimore. Mr. Kimball moved to suspend the rales in order to give the ordinance a second reading: which was lost.

The ordinance, therefore, lays over under the rule. Also received a resolution discharging the committee from a further consideration of the accounts ot the register; adopted. Also a reso lution discharging the committee Irom the con sideration of tne petition of sundry officers of vessels running to and irom tne port or Balti more, asking a change in the ordinance regulat ins the speed of steamboats; adopted. Also received a resolution accepting the proposition of lieorge K. Vickers, to deed tne city a square of ground on which to erect the Balti more City College, bounding on John, Valley and iciaie streets.

Mr. Kimball moved a sus pension of the rules, to give the ordinance a second readins. which was los r. Tt was laid over Mr. McPhail called ud the ordinance authorizins the city register, with the anoroval oft.h mavor.

to endorse the bonds of theL'uion Railroad Com pany to an amount not exceeding in the whole live hundred thousand dollars. After some discus sion, tne ordinance was passed. The sn.nir irn- tlemanjcalled np the ordinauce allowing Jesse sungmii to manntacture muriatic and other acids on itace street, between Barney and Wells was passed, xne same gent leman call ed up a resolution authorizing the leasing of a lot at a cost not exceeding S500. in the vicinlt of Green and Lombard the accommodation of maleand femaleprimary school No. 21; adopted.

Mr. MeUuire called up the resolution authorizing certain repairs at the Eastern Spring, and appropriating tiGO therefor; adopted. Mr. McPhail called ud the resolution appropriating $3,500 to purchase a lot and buildings adjoining Grammar School No. 11, on Stiles street.

McGnire moved to lay the resolution over until Monday, 17th instant, which was lost; the resolution was then adopted. Mr. Kimball moved that a- message be sent to the first branch, proposing that when the council adjourns this evening, it stands adjourned until Monday, the 24th imstant; which was carried. Mr. McPhail called np the t-upplemeutary ordinance providing for the levying of taxes for the layicg of water wains.


The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2025)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Views: 5945

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.