Quantum Keyless Private Communication With Decoy States for Space Channels (2024)


Authors: Ángeles Vázquez-Castro, Andreas Winter, Hugo Zbinden

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 19

Pages 6213 - 6224

Published: 05 June 2024 Publication History


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With the increasing demand for secure communication in optical space networks, it is essential to develop physical-layer scalable security solutions. In this context, we present the asymptotic security analysis of a keyless quantum private communication protocol that transmits classical information over quantum states. Different from the previous literature, our protocol sends dummy (decoy) states optimally obtained from the true information to deceive the eavesdropper. We analyze optical on-off keying (OOK) and binary phase shift keying (BPSK) for several detection scenarios. Our protocol significantly improves the protocol without decoy states whenever Bob is at a technological disadvantage with respect to Eve. Our protocol guarantees positive secrecy capacity when the eavesdropper gathers up to 90-99.9% (depending on the detection scenario) of the photon energy that Bob detects, even when Eve is only limited by the laws of quantum mechanics. We apply our results to the design of an optical inter-satellite link (ISL) study case with pointing losses, and introduce a new design methodology whereby the link margin is guaranteed to be secure by our protocol. Hence, our design does not require knowing the eavesdropper’s location and/or channel state: the protocol aborts whenever the channel drops below the secured margin. Our protocol can be implemented with state-of-the-art space-proof technology. Finally, we also show the potential secrecy advantage when using (not yet available) squeezed quantum states technology.



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Quantum Keyless Private Communication With Decoy States for Space Channels (1)

IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security Volume 19, Issue


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Quantum Keyless Private Communication With Decoy States for Space Channels (2024)
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