Edo Express Delivery Guy
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (2) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (2)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (3) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (3)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (4) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (4)]()
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- Feb 9, 2009
- #1
Well....i have here some boards.......and a NeoBitz RGB converter.....
So ive tested them on Sega System 16B and works fine...but the CPS1 boots dosent sync.....
So i just thinking if is better i buy a sync cleaner or buy another type of RGB converter.
I use the NeoBitz only in MVS boards....but now i really want make a good supergun to me.....
I will use this supergun to CPS1,CPS2,Taito,Sega,Atomiswave.......
I have here one EAGO professional arcade i just need a really good and compatible RGB onverter do make this baby !!!
Any gooooooood model and where i can buy it ???
Fio's Quartermaster
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (6) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (6)]()
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- Feb 10, 2009
- #2
If you need a good RGB converter for a supergun, everyone always swears by a jrok.
Metal Slug Mechanic
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (8) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (8)]()
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- #3
Yep, get the Composite/S-Video/Component JROK plus a JROK Sync Cleaner.
Edo Express Delivery Guy
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![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (11) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (11)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (12) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (12)]()
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- Feb 11, 2009
- #4
Thank you !!!!!
I will contact Mr.Jrok to try buy one !!!
New Challenger
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (13) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (13)]()
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- Feb 11, 2009
- #5
Does anyone have a good guide for making a super gun? I'm getting pretty decent with a soldering iron and starting to play around with my multimeter more. I'm thinking of building a start super gun. I have done the google but i didn't find anything I felt that had good instructions.
also sorry if this is a thread hijack.
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- #6
Both the JROK and NEOBITZ are equally comparable when it comes to Component output...
As for the SVHS/CVS.... JROK is the best choice.
Zero's Tailor
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (15) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (15)]()
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- #7
Macck said:
Thank you !!!!!
I will contact Mr.Jrok to try buy one !!!
Good luck with that man...... He's been hard to get a hold of.
Metal Slug Mechanic
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (17) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (17)]()
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- #8
norton9478 said:
Both the JROK and NEOBITZ are equally comparable when it comes to Component output...
Yes they are, but the neobitz is far more incompatible with non-MVS boards from what I've heard. I have no idea why.
Hardened Shock Trooper
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (18) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (18)]()
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- #9
Think it's because they use two different types of encoders.
Metal Slug Mechanic
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- #10
Well yes thats correct, but I don't know exactly what it is about certain boards video outputs that the AD encoder doesn't like.
Hardened Shock Trooper
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (21) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (21)]()
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- #11
Ohhhhhh, wasn't sure what you were trying to get at.
I had the most bizarre results with my Tekken 3 board. Some outputs worked better than others on the Neobitz and the ones that didn't work well with the NeoBitz worked great with the JROK and vice versa. My X-men board totally plays better with the JROK. The colors are all wrong with the NeoBitz.
My guess is one chip might be more sensitive to the signals its getting. I don't know enough about that stuff to give a good answer.
Cheng's Errand Boy
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (22) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (22)]()
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- Feb 17, 2009
- #12
Just ordered a RGB 15 / 24 hz to VGA adapter from ebay. Its from Y Plus. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
War Room Troll
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- #13
I have a JROK component/s-vid/composite + sync cleaner in mine, and the ONLY game I have had an issue with out of the 100+ boards I have tried, is the Seibu SPI stuff (Raiden Fighters, etc.)- I get vertical rolling, though I'm thinking it is my TV (Sony Wega) and not the encoder, as it does not do it on a 9" TV I have here. That's aside from the fact that it's a vertical game (never said I actually intended on playing it on the WEGA).
I have heard the neobitz has issues on a lot of the boards I own.
That Component/RGB to VGA encoder you have there is the newer model of the one I have had sitting here for about 6 months and have not used yet. The one I have is the older model, doesn't have dual VGA (only single) or component in.
I would be interested in hearing about how that works out for you. Heavily leaning towards using mine to consolize some system and buying the newer one for main use.
Xian Xi
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- #14
Any kind of scrolling on the picture is the refresh rate the TV doesn't like.
War Room Troll
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- #15
Xian Xi said:
Any kind of scrolling on the picture is the refresh rate the TV doesn't like.
Yup, exactly, and seeing how the Seibu stuff is 58hz or something, even with a sync cleaner, doesn't help much. Wega TVs are supposedly really picky on some things.
Like I said, never intended on playing it on that TV anyway.
Xian Xi
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- #16
It's messed up because I totally forgot about Seibu's rate and just won a Seibu soccer board on ebay. Another game I can't play because of refresh rate.
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- #17
JROK used to have instructions on how to fix that... But you gotta go into the TV's Service Menu.
Xian Xi
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- #18
It's possible but with Sony TVs you can only change minimal settings as I have tried. My VSync I can only adjust by 1hz and that's it.
Supposedly you can adjust them by opening your TV as well but I am not going that route. If I own the arcade hardware I just mame it for those games.
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- #19
I would especially like to know how well the Component Input Works... Both 480P and 480I
VRC-SID said:
Just ordered a RGB 15 / 24 hz to VGA adapter from ebay. Its from Y Plus. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
War Room Troll
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- #20
Xian Xi said:
It's messed up because I totally forgot about Seibu's rate and just won a Seibu soccer board on ebay. Another game I can't play because of refresh rate.
Ouch...yeah I was only looking at that game dirt cheap, now I definitely won't think about grabbing it due to that.
Besides, not a sports fan, and I already have my cool soccer/international football game; Hat Trick Hero '95 on F3.
It's awesome, you can literally beat the shit out of the other team's players. I wouldn't be surprised if the game is actually based on rugby, rather than soccer.
edit: I just noticed something amusing after I posted this: I now have 'Soccer Brawl' and a ball underneath my avatar (though I know it has nothing to do with that), lol.
Last edited:
Cheng's Errand Boy
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (31) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (31)]()
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- Feb 22, 2009
- #21
I am happy to report that this device works GREAT! The only downside is that you get some chinese characters when you first turn it on, but that only lasts 2 seconds. The menu is in chinese as well, but some trial and error got me thru setting up the screen size. Very easy to wire, great color reproduction. Couldn't be happier. Plus now I can use ANY VGA monitor JAMMA boards. CRTs are so cheap these days its great!
Here is a video of the converter in action (taken from my iPhone so don't expect quality video here). I will grab a high quality vid later today.
VRC-SID said:
Just ordered a RGB 15 / 24 hz to VGA adapter from ebay. Its from Y Plus. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.
Armored Scrum Object
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (33) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (33)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (34) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (34)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (35) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (35)]()
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- Mar 20, 2009
- #22
I am curious to know about this one. What systems have you tested it with? Does it take a non progressive signal via RGB and convert to progressive 480P?
VRC-SID said:
I am happy to report that this device works GREAT! The only downside is that you get some chinese characters when you first turn it on, but that only lasts 2 seconds. The menu is in chinese as well, but some trial and error got me thru setting up the screen size. Very easy to wire, great color reproduction. Couldn't be happier. Plus now I can use ANY VGA monitor JAMMA boards. CRTs are so cheap these days its great!
Here is a video of the converter in action (taken from my iPhone so don't expect quality video here). I will grab a high quality vid later today.
Xian Xi
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- #23
VRC-SID said:
I am happy to report that this device works GREAT! The only downside is that you get some chinese characters when you first turn it on, but that only lasts 2 seconds. The menu is in chinese as well, but some trial and error got me thru setting up the screen size. Very easy to wire, great color reproduction. Couldn't be happier. Plus now I can use ANY VGA monitor JAMMA boards. CRTs are so cheap these days its great!
Here is a video of the converter in action (taken from my iPhone so don't expect quality video here). I will grab a high quality vid later today.
Power the encoder using a psu instead of the jamma harness. Turn it on before flipping the switch to the cab, that should avoid the boot screen of the encoder.
New Challenger
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (38) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (38)]()
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- Apr 14, 2009
- #24
Would the RGB 15 / 24 hz to VGA adapter that VRC-SID recommended be a solution to my problem in getting a proper signal from an AES console to a new flatscreen TV? As this chip would be way cheaper than getting an XRGB2.
Armored Scrum Object
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (39) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (39)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (40) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (40)]()
![[Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (41) [Help] What is the best RGB converter to do a Supergun (compatibility) (41)]()
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- Apr 15, 2009
- #25
Does anyone have any experience with product A-22 from the same company as the VGA one listed here? It is the one that outputs S-video?
Also - the VGA board - can that take non progressive signals and convert to VGA? I want to know more about these. I can only choose a board that can take 5v, and having a tough time figuring out if A-22 would work (it says 8-5V).
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